Sunday, April 24, 2011

El Buzo in Harrybishop

Just arrived from my Easter vacation and thanks to Joan  I've seen our watch is on Harrybishop blog!!!
First was OceanicTime, now Harrybishop... what's next??
And we only have pictures of the watch!! What will happen at the prototype arrival?
Thanks to all!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Casio TGW-100

I have the watch for the Eastern vacation!
A Casio vintage watch, something special. Steel case, screw down back, Tri Graph, a nice TGW-100! It has a 827 module and it is made in Japan. As most of the early Casio watches it has a serial number marked on the case back (a good point, today forgotten by the Japan brand :( ).
Here you are a picture of this nice watch on my wrist.
Have a nice Eastern vacation!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

NOS Digi and Tri Graph Casios

Nice group of NOS Casio Digi and Tri Graph.