Cleaning a "new" watch.
I bought this Casio DW-280 from ebay and arrived some days ago.
The watch came VERY dirt! I don't know how anyone can keep the watches so dirt. It is so easy to clean up the watch... let me show the cleaning process of this watch.
First thing is to disassembly the watch. In this case I've disassembled all the watch except the buttons (too much work for today). Then put all the parts into hot water with some cleaning product. I use a very good Spanish product KH-7.
Dont' worry! the module was not inside the water :) I left the module and the gasket out of the water. The module 1000 manual could be found on Casio's web site.
After some minutes inside the water and adding some soap, brush the watch. I use an old toothbrush, I think all the people use toothbrushes to clean their watches.
After brushing is time to dry. Some minutes over a dry tissue and then a final hand dry with the tissue or some clean and dry fabric. Take care with the moisture and dust inside the housing. To clean any water mark or dust spot inside the watch, it is necessary to disassembly again the watch.
After drying, the module has to be assembled again. It is important to put some silicone grease to the gasket, it helps to seal the back cover of the watch. Very important if you want to use the watch underwater. It is also important to add grease to the button gaskets, but as said before, too much work for today.
Close the watch!
The watch is clean and ready to be worn!
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