Monday, November 7, 2011

Beer tuning

BEER TUNING! Am I crazy? Maybe not crazy but a little bit freak...

This is the plan:

Buy some liters of an awful supermarket beer, boil this liquid with some nice hops, add some yeast and sugar and bottle again to make a second fermentation.

The awful pasteurized beer will not have any alive yeast, they kill all during the pasteurisation process, so we need to add new and alive yeast. I don't know if the beer will have enough sugar to make a new fermentation, so I will add some sugar. The hops will give more bitterness to the mixture.

What do you think about it? yes... I know I'm crazy :(

This is the recipe:

3l of an awful beer (0.67€ per liter)
10g of beer yeast (the one used to make bread)
15g of white sugar
2g of hops

we will see what hapens in 2 weeks :)


  1. No se yo... mucho me temos que te vas a gabnar unas cagarrinas del 15... ya contarás :-P

  2. Llama y lo catamos juntos... no te preocupes que tengo lavabo y aseo.
    Aunque también dicen que no esta hecha la miel para el morro del cerdo :)
