Monday, November 28, 2011

El Buzo is here

The watch is here!!! What a nice watch!!!
Apart of that, this watch is not like the others I have, this one was designed by a group of friends, and I had the chance to be part of the them.
Here you are El Buzo with a shark skin band hand made by Jacob's Straps

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Android App test

Checking the Android app!
Today I've tried a new beer, Mary from De Prael. Not my favourite beer but quite nice and at a good price.
Let's see if I can upload the picture...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Beer tuning

BEER TUNING! Am I crazy? Maybe not crazy but a little bit freak...

This is the plan:

Buy some liters of an awful supermarket beer, boil this liquid with some nice hops, add some yeast and sugar and bottle again to make a second fermentation.

The awful pasteurized beer will not have any alive yeast, they kill all during the pasteurisation process, so we need to add new and alive yeast. I don't know if the beer will have enough sugar to make a new fermentation, so I will add some sugar. The hops will give more bitterness to the mixture.

What do you think about it? yes... I know I'm crazy :(

This is the recipe:

3l of an awful beer (0.67€ per liter)
10g of beer yeast (the one used to make bread)
15g of white sugar
2g of hops

we will see what hapens in 2 weeks :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

El Buzo in Elphinstone

The El Buzo prototype was in Sharks & Yolanda, was in the Thistlegorm... and also in Elphinstone!
We went to look for "big things" but at the end only few people of the group was able to see some hammerheads. We were not able to see them but we were able to take some nice pics of the prototype.